In General

When I first started looking for a summer internship, I reached out to the school’s student center for some suggestions on companies to apply to. I spent hours researching the different companies but something about AV Chicago pulled me in. While I was looking through their website and reading their values, I felt like it was exactly the culture I was looking for. Their dedication to customer satisfaction along with their understanding of being human and making mistakes felt very real, which resonated with me. I was thrilled when I saw multiple women in leadership positions at the company. Seeing other women in these positions was extremely encouraging, especially in an industry that is so male-dominated. It showed me that the company voice I felt through the website wasn’t just a facade, but an integral part of their day-to-day. All in all, applying to AV Chicago was a no-brainer for me. The opportunities they were offering as well as their amazing culture made the decision for me. I applied, made it through the interviewing process, and was selected to join the AV Chicago team!

When I first walked into AV Chicago, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was excited to learn new things in a completely new space, but I also knew very little about what that would look like.  I had a clear guide for the different parts of the internship, but there was a difference between reading the bullet points and actually experiencing them. The first few days were a bit scary, but after getting to know everyone that fear quickly melted away. I had a loose idea of what working in the warehouse and out in the field would be like, but those ideas were completely blown out of the water after I began. What was most surprising to me was how excited everyone was to show me their process and tips. I was expecting to run some cable and then stand on my tippy toes, just maybe being able to sneak a look at what the professionals were doing, but my experience was better than I could have dreamed. I was encouraged to ask questions, and people took extra time to let me program boards or build out gear. They went out of their way, and sometimes even had to work a little longer, just so I was able to grow and learn. I am so grateful to everyone at the company for their patience, respect, and belief in my capabilities. 

When I first began the internship, all of my responsibilities were in the warehouse. I spent a few weeks getting to know my way around the gear at AV Chicago and learning about their quality and shipping process. I had the opportunity to check gear in and out, remake kits, and ensure everything was ready for engineers in the field. I was blown away by the energy in the warehouse, as I feel like it is one of the most thankless jobs with some of the hardest working conditions. It can get hot, gear can get heavy, and the plethora of last-minute changes can get frustrating. Even still, everyone in the warehouse does an amazing job of staying positive, going with the flow, and making every production possible.

After working in the warehouse for a few weeks, I started going out to job sites. I worked as a stagehand and shadowed so many talented technicians. I got to help load and unload the truck, set up speakers and lighting trees, and even program the boards. I learned so much in these weeks, both in the field and back in the warehouse. When I wasn’t working on-site, I was able to get the gear out in the warehouse and walk through how to set up a show for both lighting and audio. I was so lucky to be able to work with these talented professionals, and I can’t thank them enough for everything they taught me. Whether it was technical knowledge or tips on how to interact with the client, each event gave me the chance to experience and learn something new. I expected to be treated like a lesser part of the team since I was only the intern, but the techs made me feel incredibly welcomed. I never felt like a coffee-grabber or an outsider, but instead like an important part of the team. It was incredible watching the different events come together and experiencing the craziness that is AV. I appreciated how much trust was given to me, allowing me to show what I was capable of while also guiding me when I needed help. 

My final weeks were spent in the office learning about sales, logistics, project management, and business administration. I got to tackle a plethora of projects like creating graphics for the company party, making social media content, learning how to create a sales offer, and even setting my own rates as a freelancer. Everyone in the office was so excited to show me what their day-to-day was like, allowing me to soak in all the possibilities for my future. In the few weeks I was there, they made me feel like I was truly a part of the company. It’s incredibly inspiring to see a group of people who are excited, passionate, and happy to interact with each other every day. The open workspace creates an amazing culture, and it was an incredible thing to be a part of. All in all, I was able to experience a little bit of everything that AV Chicago had to offer, which will be invaluable when I enter the field after college. 

To wrap this up, my advice to future interns is simple. If you’re thinking about applying, do it. I can not imagine a better place to gain real experience in the AV field. It is so fulfilling to get the chance to experience every part of the event planning process and see shows go from small ideas to incredible realities. Everyone at AV Chicago is incredible to work with, and I can’t think of a single day where I wasn’t excited to come in and learn something new. On a more serious note, the internship can only be as rich as you allow it to be. If you don’t put in the effort, ask questions, and challenge yourself, you won’t learn anything and people won’t want to teach you. At the same time, if you are curious, excited, and prepared to learn, this will be one of the best jobs you’ll ever have. I know I sound like I’m exaggerating, but I truly did love my time at AV Chicago. It was incredible, and everyone who works there is even more so. I can’t thank them enough for this amazing opportunity, and if any of you happen to be reading this, thank you so much for your guidance, positivity, humor, and so much more. I’m going to wrap this up now before I get sappy, but if you’re thinking about working here, DO IT!

Curious about what a day in Dani’s shoes looks like? Click here to check out a snapshot of their adventures at AV Chicago!