ULXD Two Channel Digital Pro Series UHF Wireless System
Includes Shure ULXD4D – Two channel digital wireless receiver and choice of 2 handheld or lapel wireless microphones.
Included are any combination of two handheld or lapel microphones.
Hand microphones will be Shure model ULXD2 hand held microphone transmitter with choice of
- Beta 58A Capsule
- Beta 87A Capsule
- or KSM9 Capsule (additional Fee)
Lapel Microphones will include Shure ULXD1 body pack transmitters, and your choice of lapel or earset microphone.
- Countryman B3 miniature Broadway theatre grade omnidirectional lapel microphone
- Shure WL184 supercardioid lapel microphone
- Shure WL185 cardioid lapel microphone
- Shure MX150 cardioid lapel microphone
- Countryman E6i or Shure WL153 earset mics are available for an additional fee.
The Shure ULXD series from AV Chicago is available in the J50 frequency band.